Making of a Barn Door

We LOVE the accent of a barn door.  Immediately when we were walking through our house, we were searching for a space to add a barn door.  The opening we chose happens to be incredibly functional and a perfect accent for our rustic basement decor. Behind that barn door is our playroom and for you Mothers out there, you know what a necessity this door is... to hide the chaos that is the playroom 90% of the time.

We built the barn door using ship lap siding.  The same ship lap that was used for the walls.  We went with the classic criss cross for the design.

We painted the entire door barn red, leaving some streaks unpainted for later antiquing.  We used steal wool, high grit sand paper and nails to create the aged look we were going for.

We followed the antiquing process by covering the door in a dark walnut stain to mute the red color a bit.  We hung the door with the most simple galvanized steal (painted black) track and sliders we could find (Tractor Supply tore).

To see the entire basement renovation check out -
To see other great barn doors check out -

Porch to Living Room Renovation


Southern Bride Magazine FEATURES Lenny & Jenny!